The Plea from the Powerful Savior
by Ken Thomas
Revelation describes Jesus as Lord of lords and King of kings. His mighty miracles were beyond imagination (See Mark 4:41, John 7:31; John 9:32). No one ever spoke like He did ( John 7:46). His teaching was authoritative ( Matthew 7:29). His life was beyond reproach ( John 8:46, 1 Peter 2:22), and even His death was powerful to destroy the devil and give hope to those who die ( Hebrews 2:14-15).
He is no past founder or dead hero. He lives to head the church he founded. Other religious leaders have tombs that are occupied, but not Jesus. He is truly the victor over death and the grave. All authority (power) IS His Matthew 28:18)….
Why does He plead, when He has the power to demand, to force??
Have you chosen whom you will serve? You have a choice now, but when life, is over, the pleading but powerful savior will be our judge. What will YOU do with Jesus?
He sounds like a salesman extolling the virtues of what He offers and the benefit to the one who will accept. "Come, take my yoke, learn of me, find rest" ( Matthew 11:28-30). He expresses willingness to gather people "under his wings, as a hen with chickens," but was refused (Matthew 23:37). He stands at the door and knocks, asking entrance to anyone who will open the door. The Lord’s invitation is extended to all who will come to Him, but we are given the freedom to choose, to receive the blessings or bear the consequences.