How many can you find?
1. Who went to meet a king unwashed (implied), unshaven, and with unlaundered clothes? Give the reference.
2. Because lying, slander, and deceit had become a way of life, a message was given to warn against trusting neighbors or "brothers". Who gave the warning, and in what passage?
3. Find a passage that refers to the practice of recruiting mourners to openly mourn for the dead. There are several correct answers for this.
4. The City of God described in Revelation had 12 gates. What characteristic of those gates is associated with an animal named elsewhere in the Bible? Give the other reference (not in Revelation).
5. What specific motive is behind the offers that some make in getting someone else to drink strong drink? Give a reference.
6. What group of people are compared to a body of water that has become very dirty due to its turbulence? Give the reference.
7. What ancient city was condemned to be destroyed for its attitude that
there was "no city besides me."? Give the reference
8. Descendants of _________, a Levite, were assigned to make sacrifices after the children of Israel and other Levites had strayed away from God. (Other Levites
could serve in other ways, but were forbidden to be priests.) Give biblical reference that contains the name that belongs in the blank.