Bible Questions #4

1. Who had spent all of his/her resources on doctor bills? 

  2. The arrogant king of one of the enemies of Israel considered that his exploits were possible because he was strong and wise. His plundering of the riches of the Jews was compared to robbing a nest of eggs without even a "peep." What nation's king was it?

3. The father-in-law of _______________gave him some good advice about organizing responsibilities so other men could share the burden of leadership. Also name the father-in-law, and give the reference.

4. What great and beautiful ancient city was destined to be made so desolate that it would not be lived in, even temporarily. (Wild animals and birds would live in the beautiful houses.)

5. Under the law of Moses, what kind of wood was forbidden to be used in building defenses even in time of war.

6. Who was forbidden to marry a divorced woman or foreigner, but could marry a single woman (or a widow of a man who had held the same position as he did)?

7. What king and kingdom were the source of temple timbers in the day's of  Solomon's temple project?

See how many you can get! Give the reference and then check your answers.

  answers to #4  
